Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Cookies for our Heroes" March 20th, 2010

This was a great day!! On March 20th I was invited to go with Michael Maze of KC101 to the Walmart in Wallingford. It was a beautiful breezy day as we tried to help the Girl Scouts sell as many boxes of cookies as we could. The object was to full the entire army truck. Our cookies would then be added to the collections all over Connecticut and they would be shipped overseas to our brave men and women there. What a super idea!! I had such a good time. I even had a chance to sit with the girls and make cards for the soldiers that would be shipped with the cookies. Actually I do a lot with the soldiers and veterans and I love every minute of it. If not for them....I would not be free to sit in this Walmart parking lot!!! I have great admiration for them, and would do anything to help.

Michael Maze is such a great guy. He is a real "People Person" and creates fun wherever he goes. Thank you for inviting me.

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