Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Miss Connecticut Week June 22, 2010

I arrived at the beautiful Radisson Inn, in New London around 5:20 p.m. My Business Manager Jared Andrew Brown, helped me unload the car and get settled in my room. Then it was off to our first rehearsal.

Here we all are, the Misses and Teens Together. In just a few short days, the new Miss Connecticut, and Miss Connecticut Outstanding Teen, will be chosen from this group.
"Dear Lord, give me grace, poise and wisdom, and above all please guide me through this week"
Good Luck to everyone.

"Ferrari Concorso" June 20, 2010

The 2010 Miss and Outstanding Teen's were invited to be a part of the 10Th annual Concorso Ferrari Fundraising event for Conn. Children's' Medical Center Foundation. Patients from the hospital were honored by riding in one of the fabulous Ferrari's in a parade through the Streets of Hartford.

We formed a special welcoming entourage
for the children as they arrived. Here I waited for my special guest to get out of his car.

His name was Timmy and he was feeling great! He was so excited to be there. We talked a few minutes then headed into the State Capitol for a terrific lunch.

We took lots of pictures, and the kids loved every minute of it!! During the event each child was given a chance to pick a model Ferrari as a special "Kids Choice Award" to take home.

I was so honored to finally receive my official Children Miracle Network Pin from Scott Organek. He is the coordinator of C.C.M.C. shows that I am an advocate for the children and a believer in the work that is being done there.

The kids asked for pictures and autographs, and we were only too happy to oblige!

I was so proud and thankful to be part of the day. The kids were incredible. The State Capitol Building is a magnificent place to visit!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Miss Connecticut Gala" June 18, 2010

What s fabulous way to kick off Miss Connecticut Week. The "Miss Connecticut Gala" was held at the Aqua Turf in Southington on Friday June 18th.

This Picture is of my sister queens, Gretchen Hahn (Miss Greater North Have), Amber Caron (Miss Nutmeg) and Casey DelBasso (Greater North Haven OT) We make a pretty good Team If I do Say So my self!

After the traditional Photo Session with Catherine Fiehn, Casey and I got down to some serious dinner!

As titleholders in "The Miss Connecticut Organization
" our state Issue of Concern is The Children's Miracle Network. This is Scott. He is our main contact for the hospital and organizes all of our activities with the children.

It was great to have him come out and wish us all good luck.

There was one very sad note to the evening, that being the announcement of the retirement of our Executive Director Luis Pabon. After many many years with this organization he will be stepping down after the pageant. I will miss him, but he promised that he would never be far from us.

This is My Grandmother. Many years ago she was the head banquet waitress at the Aqua Turf. I was so pleased that I could have her with me tonight, and she was actually able to reconnect with one or two of the people she use to work with! The night meant a lot to both of us.

And of course after an fantastic dinner, there was dancing. One of my Business Managers, Patrick Laffin and I looked pretty good out there!

It was a perfect evening of Good Food, Good Friends, and Fun. Everyone looks great, what an array of "Formal Wear"
Only 4 days left till we leave for the state pageant, one of us here tonight will be the new Miss Ct. and Miss Ct. Outstanding Teen....WOW!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Send Off To "Miss Ct. OT" Pageant, June 13, 2010

Today the butterfly's really began to show! We all gathered at "The Square Foot Theater" in Hamden with our family and friends for our send off party. It's going to be a busy 8 days till we leave for the State Pageant. I can't wait. Today we had a chance to show off some of our wardrobe and perform our talents. We took interview questions from the audience and had a great time all afternoon.

On Friday June 18th, we will be going to the "Gala" at the Aqua Turf in Southington. Each team brings a basket to raffle off. Ours is a "Picnic For Two" theme. We all contributed to it's contents and we were quite happy with it when it was done. Can't wait to see who wins it! All Raffle money goes towards the scholarship for the new titleholders.

We had a great super lunch, with everyone providing something. Casey brought this adorable little tray of finger sandwiches. Each crown on top had one of our names on it, wishing each of us "good luck"

Casey and I tried to give our audience a little peek at the opening number for the Pageant. Frankly, we just got laughing too hard!! The number is called "Fashionista" and was skillfully created by Bill Griffin.

I love this photo. It was a chance for Casey and I to just sit and relax and think about whats ahead. This will be my second trip to States, and Casey's first, so we had lots to share.

One last group hug for luck. Whatever happens, the next 2 weeks will be filled with excitement, hectic schedules, stress and lots of memories. I am looking forward to it with all my heart. Thank you so much Jared, Patrick & the Square Foot Theater for a wonderful day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Greater Hamden's Memorial Day Parade" May 31, 2010

What a gorgeous day for a parade!!

Amber, "Miss Nutmeg" and I rode together in a sassy little sports car provided by Michael Gambina. Thank you so much for your generosity. After putting our parade signs on we quickly settled in to some serious picture taking.

Here we are with Acacia, Miss Ct. OT. I love to do appearances with her, she some much fun. I loved the little diamonds. Imagine, one of these could someday be Miss Connecticut, or possible Miss America.

And of course, here is Michael Maze from KC101 who rode along next to us. He's always so up-beat. Jared seemed to be having a great time as well, Unfortunately....he walked the whole parade route along side of us!!

It was wonderful to be out among the people of Hamden. They were so festive and contagious. They shouted and waved to me as I went by.

And of Course, there were the little girls who thought I was a princess. I had a wonderful day.
Hope to be seeing a lot of the people of Hamden in the up-coming year. They made me feel so welcome.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Forrestville Memorial Day Parade May 31, 2010

Imediately after the Hamden Parade, I was scheduled to perform in the Forrestville Parade with my Dance Team From Reach For The Stars.

While the two day event on Memorial was to remember and honor our service men and woman, this Parade was all about celebrating them. And celebrate we did, we danced and marched our way up and down hill for about 3 miles.

When we reach the reviewing stand, we stopped to perform a portion of the Routine that we performed at Madison Square Garden in December.

All our hard work paid off, and we won a trophy for "Most Entertaining". It was a great day and I sincerely thank Dave from Nuchies Resturant for including us in all the festivities.

Tribute To The Armed Forces May 30, 2010

Every year the Veteran Council presents "A Tribute to The Armed Forces." It is held on Memorial Blvd., in Bristol. Every Branch of the military is represented there and they come from all over the country for this event. Spectators can come and mingle with the Soldiers and veterans and hear their stories. All weaponry, military vehicles and clothing is displayed and you can touch it all, and try it on. Black Hawk and Chinook Helicopters, tanks, body armor, heavy artillery, military camouflaged tents, they were all there. It has been our honor for the past two years to be the only dance team invited to perform at this event.

This Civil War Soldier got a little displaced from his regiment during the Civil War reenactment. We were more than happy to help him relocate his cannon!!

This is CSM Michele Jones. She is the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, White House Liaison. She Was an incredible speaker and an amazing woman. She spoke of America and our freedoms in such a way that it made me cry. She spoke of being in a position of leadership and how that position was not for you, but rather what you can do for others, within your leadership role. Because this years tribute was dedicated to All Women Veterans, we got to spend a lot of time with Michele. In just two short days I learned enough from her to change my life forever.

I had a chance to mingle with the crowd a lot and I made many new friends. This little boy was so anxious to touch every piece of equipment that was on display. I think he liked the army best!

My dance team and myself performed many tribute dances over the week-end. It was such an honor to perform for these brave men and women and their families. The dances we performed were all choreography by Mary Marrone of Reach For The Stars Academy of Dance, each and every one honoring the Soldiers or reflecting on the people left at home. This one is call "A Soldiers Silent Night" and is about Santa Clause coming upon a soldier all alone on Christmas Eve. I played the part of Santa!

This was a tap routine, and was set to a medley of all of the theme songs from each branch of the Military. It was a lot of fun and the audience enjoyed it, because it was so upbeat after all of the sadder songs.
This celebration is my favorite Memorial Day Event. My Grandfather was a decorated WWII Hero and my Dad served during Viet Nam. Having the privilege of spending the 2 days with these amazing "Hero"s" is one I treasure. It gives me a true understanding of what this day is all about and why we should be "Proud to be an American." I look forward to next year.

Autograph Cards

To promote our organization, we always carry picture autograph cards. At first I found this a bit awkward, but it's so cute when a little girl points to you and says " Look at the Princess Mommy" or "Look there goes Cinderella"

And then I think to myself, maybe some day this little girl will look at this picture and remember the "princess" and decide that this is who she'd like to be.

So go ahead, ask me for my Autograph. I'd love to meet you.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Grand Opening of The Square Foot Theater, Hamden,April 17th, 2010

Tonight my Business Manager Jared realized one of his life long dreams. To own his own theater. With the help of the Jamie A. Hully Arts Foundation, that's just what happened. Tonight we celebrated the Grand Opening of the Square Foot Theater in the Hamden Plaza on Dixwell Avenue. It is Jared and Patricks dream to direct and produce full size musicals. They believe that this will be a positive way to expose children to the arts and open up their imaginations. Myself and my sister queens, Amber and Casey were all there to greet the guest and participate in the fun.

I sang "Orange Colored Sky" as part of the entertainment, and many of Jared student entertained as well. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
We had our own table "Quilting with the Crowns."
For a small donation you could buy and decorate a quilt square that would be assembled into a donation quilt and hang in the theater.

Jared looked so handsome and I was so proud of his accomplishment. I know we are going to have a wonderful year together.
There was lots of great food and good friends.

Patrick is so much fun and he makes me laugh.
Hey...we have matching outfits!!
What can I say, you guys are terrific and I am going to be proud to be affiliated with "The Square Foot Theater."

Photo Day April 13, 2010

April 13th,was the day for my Official Photo Session with Catherine Fiehn. Both my Business Managers were right there for me. First Jared went through every piece of my wardrobe till we found just the right combination. He even lent me some socks!! Then Patrick took over. Covering flaws, blending eye shadows and teasing hair. We had so many laughs. Then it was off to Catherine's studio.

This is the finish product. Not too bad if I do say so myself!
This head shot will be for the Program Book for State.

This one is called "Couture of Concern" Catherine designed it to reflect my Issue of Concern.

And finally the official
"Greater Hamden's Outstanding Teen" official Photo.

Thank you soooo much Jared, Patrick & Catherine for making the day so much fun and so special.