Monday, November 29, 2010

"Miss Bristol's Toy Drive" November 28th, 2010

On Sunday Nov. 28, the Miss Bristol Schlorship Organization held it's annual Toy Drive. All Toys collected during this drive stay in the city of Bristol. I try and participate every year because I know how important it is. "Miss Bristol" Kaylee Brunell was hard at work when I got there.
I, of course, brought my own donations to the drive. This was one of my favorite events when I was Teen Miss Bristol. We stood there in the cold for hours, but collected about 548 toys that I knew were going to make a lot of children happy on christmas morning.

Before I left, I helped Sarina, Little Miss Bristol, shop for some more toys using the cash donations they collected from the shoppers.

This is always a successful event, and one the organizations of Bristol look forward to every year. The bags of toys are always appreciated.

Great Job Girls!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Miss Watertown Pageant" Nov. 27, 2010

Jordyn and I settle into our seats for the start of the "Miss Greater Watertown Pageant" last night, Nov. 27th at Swift Jr. High.
My two business managers, Amy Borysewicz and Jared Andrew. Well, Amy has just taken over the North Haven / Hamden pageant and Jared was my Manager all year. It was great spending some time with you both. Good Luck Amy, I wish we had more time to spend together.

In keeping with tradition, all of the visiting titleholders introduce themselves. Only one more week and it will be my turn to say good-by. How sad is that!

Our new titleholders are,
"Miss Greater Watertown" Marissa Ranalli
"Westbury's Outstanding Teen" Nicole Nemense
You were both fantastic, enjoy your year.

"Friends Of Maze" Food Drive Nov. 14, 2010

On Nov. 14, Michael Maze; a morning radio host; held his first annual "Friends of Maze" Food Drive to benefit the Connecticut Food Bank. Planet Fitness in East Haven donated space for this wonderful cause. I started collecting
donations two weeks prior to the drive from the dancers at my studio Reach For The Stars. I was proud of the many bags I was able to arrive with.
All afternoon the people came and went and it was evident very early that this drive was going to be a hugh success.

These little guys were the highlight of the whole day. They worked harder than anyone there. They never stopped. At one point they were running out into the parking lot grabbing the food when they saw people coming towards us! The little one next to me, Julian....I would have taken him home with me if I could have!

Through out the afternoon we loaded the food into the waiting trucks. And it didn't take long for them to fill up. All day the people were so generous and eager to help.

It was a great day. These are all the volunteers who came to help out. By the end of the day, between food and cash donations we collected enough to equal 11, 194 meals!!!! You just have to feel good about yourself. Again, my most sincere thanks to Michael for inviting me to be part of this wonderful event. See you next year!

Veteran Day Nov. 11, 2010

On Nov. 11th I was invited to participate in the Veteran's Day Ceremony in Bristol. I opened the program by singing the National Anthem. Later in the program I sang a medley of anthems of every branch of the armed forces. The Veteran's stood when they heard their song. The audience was full of emotion and I just knew that I had done a good job. "The greatest tribute we can give our Veterans is to remember them." This was my gift to them.

This is Sgt. 1st Class David Carello Jr. He was the Keynote Speaker today. It was the kind of speech that you just wanted to hear every word. When his young son asked him one day "daddy why did you fight in the war" his reply was simply "so you don't have to."

What an honor to have met this man. Ed Riccio, a Pearl Harbor Survivor! It's men like this, that makes the true meaning of Veteran's Day come alive. It was my pleasure to have been with all of you today.

Miss Naugatuck Valley Pageant Oct. 3, 2010

The "Miss Naugatuck Valley" pageant was held Oct. 30th at the Woodland High School in Beacon Falls. This was a fun night for me because my Dance Company was asked to perform the opening number. Being a Halloween theme we did our production number "Thriller" choreographed by Mary Marrone. I'm in one of the boxes!! The audience loved it and even Luis and Stan took the time to complement us on our performance.

After a quick change and some fresh make-up, it was out on the floor for pictures with some of my fellow Teen Titleholders. The 2011 pageant season is in full swing now. It was a little sad listening to Kirsten and Maggie give their farewell speeches because I know it is only a matter of time before it's my turn.

This Man will always have a special place in my heart. Ron Nordby, the other half of Phyllis Nordby my 1st business Managers from my 1st title, Jr. Miss Litchfield County. Love you Ron!

Krystie Seese, beautiful and sweet with the voice of an angel. She did sign language as she sang.
And the new Naug. Valley Outstanding Teen is Michaela Cavallaro. Congratulations girls!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

CCMC "Vie For The Kids" Sat. Oct. 23, 2010

The Connecticut Children's Hospital Hosted it's third annual "Vie For The Kids" event featuring a 5K morning run/walk through the rolling hills of the Ethel Walker Woods in Simsbury. In addition there was a "Kids Fun Run" as well as other activities. All proceeds raised from the event will ensure that children and families will receive the very best in pediatric cancer services.
Logan, "Miss Ct.s Outstanding Teen" and myself were the first ones of our group to arrive. 8:30 A.M. on the dot, and WAS IT COLD! While we waited for things to begin we met some of the children, signed some pictures and got our schedule of events.

Before too long "Brass City's Outstanding Teen" Nicole Nemense and "Rocky Hill's Outstanding Teen" Andreanna Buchheri had joined us. Our first Event was the "Kids Fun Run" We went out on the field and hooped and hollered for them!! Andreanna actually went out there and helped one little guy make it to the end! That's what we were there for after all, just for them.

For the big 5K race we took our places at the finish line and cheered everyone on as they neared the end. We stayed right there till all 400 RACERS HAD CROSSED!! It only took the winner 17 minutes to do the 3.5 miles, while it took others over a half hour. But all crossed including "Kyle" a 10 year old boy who had his hip removed due to cancer. It was beyond awesome to see him coming toward us as we cheered louder and louder, and our eyes filled with tears.

At the end of the races there was a wonderful award ceremony. Medals and prizes of all sorts. Logan, Andreanna, Nicole and myself all took turns awarding the winners. I felt so honored to be asked.

It was a very uplifting day. I had no idea there would be so many Cancer Survivors there. To watch them and hear their stories is an experience I will not soon forget. Once again I am so proud to be an ambassador of Conn. Children's Medical Center.

Photo Shoot Oct. 6, 2010

On October 6th Mike Chakin of the Bristol Observer asked me to do a photo shoot for a collection called "Shades of Vermeer" It was for an exhibit for an Art Museum in New York. Of course I was quite honored and accepted right away. These are some of the Pictures from that shoot. It all had something to do with lighting and shading.

Miss Bristol Pageant Oct. 2, 2010

This was the official opening of the 2011 pageant season. It seemed to be a full house and lots of excitement going on everywhere. (I'm still on crutches, but only for 2 more weeks). I met up with "Miss Wolcott's Outstanding Teen", Erin Ward and "Westbury's Outstanding Teen", Annalisa Sega. We had not seen each other since we were at State in June so we had some catching up to do.

This is the Brand New "Miss Mum 2011" We chatted awhile and then found our seats. It was an amazing show. The 50th anniversary of the "Miss Bristol" Pageant. There were at least 25 former Miss Bristol's there to join the celebration. BUT they were just on presented on stage, they actually participated...singing and dancing through out the whole show. My Mom was real excited when she saw Miss Bristol 1969, since they had competed together at STATE IN 1969...WOW!

Well here I am, hobbling out onto the stage for the traditional "Introduction of Visiting Queens." But as you can see, I was not the only one on crutches this time!

The evening ended with the announcement of Marisa DelBuono as the new "Miss Bristol 2011"

Jenna Kowalec, "Miss Bristol's Outstanding Teen", and Tori Bailey "Terryville's Outstanding Teen" Congratulations to all the girls. Everyone was fantastic, and I truly enjoyed the whole evening.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Children Miracle Network Radiothon 9/2/2010

On Friday Sept. 3rd I went to the Children's Hospital in Hartford to help with their 8th Annual Radiothon. It was put on with conjunction with DRC-FM 102.9. It is a huge fundraiser for this incredible miracle network. Here at this hospital miracles are truly performed everyday. All afternoon, families of former patients came in to tell their stories of hope, tragedy, courage and triumphant. Just listening brought tears to my eyes more than once. I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to meet some of these children, but I was truly honored to be raising money for them.
My job, Along with Miss Conn., Brittney Decker, was to answer the phone lines and take the pledges from the people who called in.
I got so excited each time my phone rang. I'm not sure how many "Miracle Makers" I signed up. A "Miracle Maker" signs up for $10.00 a month for a year) but I also got a lot of one-time pledges as well. I had never been involved with something like this before, and I couldn't believe how fast the time just flew by.

This is Jerry Christopher, the DJ from DRC-FM (102.9) Several times during the afternoon he came over to interview Brittney and I live on the radio so we could encourage people to keep the phones ringing for this remarkable cause.

All afternoon former patients and their families came in to tell their miracle stories live on the air with the Team from DRC-FM. This is Mia and Gianni, a set of twins who started their lives at CMN.

This is Nickki, another former patient who spent 245 days in this hospital when she was in Kindergarten. Another story that pulled at my heart strings. She still comes from time to time for treatment, but now leads a perfecly wonderful teenagers life thanks to this wonderful hospital and its staff of dedicated staff.

This is Scott Organek, the organizer for all of our events at CMN. No matter how busy he gets, he always takes time to have a little fun with us. The man is amazing and literally raises millions for this wonderful hospital.

It was kinda of fun when Gail McCool (Miss Ct.'s Bus.Mgr.) showed up with the exact same "stylish" shoe that I was wearing!!

It was an absolutely incredible day, and one that I won't soon forget. In the end, the 3 day Radiothon raised $241,340.09 !!!

End of WWII 65th Anniversary celebration 9/2/2010

On Sept. 2nd, 2010, Mayor Dickinson from Wallingford invited me to attend a special commemoration program to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the END OF WWII. It was a beautiful night and the lawn of City Hall was absolutely filled with towns people and Veterans from all branches of the Military. I brought with me a small group of my fellow dancers from Reach For The Stars Academy of Dance in Terryville. Jennah, Alex, Alyssa & Ashley. They were amazing as they preformed "A Soldiers Silent Night" for the crowd.

Since I obviously could not dance with my group I opted instead to sing. I chose "Proud To Be An American" to honor not only the Veterans in attendance, but my own Grandfather who was a decorated hero in WWII. It was such a inspirational night, and really makes us remember why and how we are free.

Thank you so much Mayor Dickinson. It was my honor to be there for you.

Alice In Wonderland 8/28/10

The Square Foot Theater again produced another wonderful show, and I was there. On Aug. 28th they presented "Alice In Wonderland." Now as you can see from these photo's, I've had a little set back. I had surgery on my ankle. So for the next 2 months you will notice I'm on crutches!! Not to worry, everything is fine, and it certainly will not hold me down.
The Play was wonderful, and the kids were fantastic. It's amazing what Jared can accomplish in such a short time.
My sister Queen Amber Caron was there too. As usual we signed a few autograph cards, and of course the kids immediately wanted to know all about my ankle.

This is Jilly, Michael Maze's daughter. She is so much like her dad, cute as a button and full of energy. She was so excited to be performing in this show!

It was really nice to spend time with Amber again. We really hadn't been together since pageant week in June. Even with my crutches it was a really nice night.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Italian Festival of Angels, North Haven Aug. 20, 2010

"Italian Festival Of Angels" Aug. 20th, 2010

This event was sponsored by the North Haven Sons and Daughter of Italy lodge #2805. Being Italian myself, I was really looking forward to this. As I arrived you could hear Italian music streaming from everywhere. There was live entertainment, delicious food, crafts of all kinds and charity events set up everywhere. This Festival truly embodied the generosity and goodwill that defines the Italian spirit and I was so proud to be a part of it.
The first thing I did after I arrived was meet up with "Miss Connecticut", Brittany Decker and our new Executive Director Tom Prete. I could tell right from the start that this was going to be a fun night.

Brittany and I walked through the entire festival stopping for pictures and talking with the people. It was so nice to be with her again. We had not done an appearance together since 2008 when she was "Miss Torrington"

I signed a lot of Autographs that night. I aways find that kind of fun. I can't help but wonder what they actually do with those pictures when they get home.

This girls name is Monica. I've run into her several times before at my appearances. She herself is a bundle of talent. I wouldn't be surprised to see her be "Greater Hamden's Outstanding Teen" someday.

Now here was a group of men who were definitely out to have a good time. I stopped and visited with them for awhile. They were so funny checking out everyone who walked by and just endlessly laughing at everything.

Ah...the dunk tank. "Dunk a Firefighter". Now this was right up my alley. It took me 4 tries, but I got him!

This man was so funny, as I walked by him, he started to play "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody" I just couldn't resist stopping to listen to him play for awhile.

Now what is an Italian Festival without a "little" piece of fried dough!! So my last stop before I went home was at the food tent. I'm sure they saved the biggest piece for me!

I had an awesome time tonight, thank you for inviting me.