Saturday, September 4, 2010

Children Miracle Network Radiothon 9/2/2010

On Friday Sept. 3rd I went to the Children's Hospital in Hartford to help with their 8th Annual Radiothon. It was put on with conjunction with DRC-FM 102.9. It is a huge fundraiser for this incredible miracle network. Here at this hospital miracles are truly performed everyday. All afternoon, families of former patients came in to tell their stories of hope, tragedy, courage and triumphant. Just listening brought tears to my eyes more than once. I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to meet some of these children, but I was truly honored to be raising money for them.
My job, Along with Miss Conn., Brittney Decker, was to answer the phone lines and take the pledges from the people who called in.
I got so excited each time my phone rang. I'm not sure how many "Miracle Makers" I signed up. A "Miracle Maker" signs up for $10.00 a month for a year) but I also got a lot of one-time pledges as well. I had never been involved with something like this before, and I couldn't believe how fast the time just flew by.

This is Jerry Christopher, the DJ from DRC-FM (102.9) Several times during the afternoon he came over to interview Brittney and I live on the radio so we could encourage people to keep the phones ringing for this remarkable cause.

All afternoon former patients and their families came in to tell their miracle stories live on the air with the Team from DRC-FM. This is Mia and Gianni, a set of twins who started their lives at CMN.

This is Nickki, another former patient who spent 245 days in this hospital when she was in Kindergarten. Another story that pulled at my heart strings. She still comes from time to time for treatment, but now leads a perfecly wonderful teenagers life thanks to this wonderful hospital and its staff of dedicated staff.

This is Scott Organek, the organizer for all of our events at CMN. No matter how busy he gets, he always takes time to have a little fun with us. The man is amazing and literally raises millions for this wonderful hospital.

It was kinda of fun when Gail McCool (Miss Ct.'s Bus.Mgr.) showed up with the exact same "stylish" shoe that I was wearing!!

It was an absolutely incredible day, and one that I won't soon forget. In the end, the 3 day Radiothon raised $241,340.09 !!!

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