Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. July 29 2010

On Thursday July 29th, I was at the Square Foot Theater in Hamden for the opening of "Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr." The cast consisted of students from the Jared Andrew Studio for Performing Arts. What a talented and energenic group of kids. The show was amazing and I look forward to the next production; "Alice In Wonderland" coming up soon.

This was the little star herself. Monica Capriglione. She is only 12 years old, but a bundle of talent. Watch out everyone, she will be a top contender for our Teen Competition soon!

I was introduced prior to the show and I spoke briefly about my issue of concern; "Disability Awareness" I thanked everyone for coming and settled into my seat to watch the show.

My other Business Mgr., Patrick Laffin did all the costumes and scenery for the production and I've got to tell you, I was quite impressed. But he always finds time for a hug.

As I was passing out programs, I met this adorable little girl. I never was able to get her name, but she was my best friend all night!!

And of Course my Buddie Michael Maze from KC101 was there as well. It was a wonderfully successful night for all and I was so happy to be back at the "Square Foot Theater" once again. Thank you for inviting me.

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