Sunday, August 22, 2010

Italian Festival of Angels, North Haven Aug. 20, 2010

"Italian Festival Of Angels" Aug. 20th, 2010

This event was sponsored by the North Haven Sons and Daughter of Italy lodge #2805. Being Italian myself, I was really looking forward to this. As I arrived you could hear Italian music streaming from everywhere. There was live entertainment, delicious food, crafts of all kinds and charity events set up everywhere. This Festival truly embodied the generosity and goodwill that defines the Italian spirit and I was so proud to be a part of it.
The first thing I did after I arrived was meet up with "Miss Connecticut", Brittany Decker and our new Executive Director Tom Prete. I could tell right from the start that this was going to be a fun night.

Brittany and I walked through the entire festival stopping for pictures and talking with the people. It was so nice to be with her again. We had not done an appearance together since 2008 when she was "Miss Torrington"

I signed a lot of Autographs that night. I aways find that kind of fun. I can't help but wonder what they actually do with those pictures when they get home.

This girls name is Monica. I've run into her several times before at my appearances. She herself is a bundle of talent. I wouldn't be surprised to see her be "Greater Hamden's Outstanding Teen" someday.

Now here was a group of men who were definitely out to have a good time. I stopped and visited with them for awhile. They were so funny checking out everyone who walked by and just endlessly laughing at everything.

Ah...the dunk tank. "Dunk a Firefighter". Now this was right up my alley. It took me 4 tries, but I got him!

This man was so funny, as I walked by him, he started to play "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody" I just couldn't resist stopping to listen to him play for awhile.

Now what is an Italian Festival without a "little" piece of fried dough!! So my last stop before I went home was at the food tent. I'm sure they saved the biggest piece for me!

I had an awesome time tonight, thank you for inviting me.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Thursday Aug. 5th, 2010 was "Miracle Treat Day" at Dairy Queens all over the United States.
If you brought a Blizzard Treat on that day, you were helping sick and injured Children in your area.
For each treat sold on that day, Dairy Queen donated $1.00 or more to the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. I was proud to participate to help miracles happen for the kids in need.

I traveled to 3 different locations. Here I am in Wallingford, with the Mayor William Dickenson, and the DQ owner Ron Sotere. Both were amazing people and we had a lot of fun

Hartford County's Outstanding Teen, Haylee Rochler met up with us in Wallingford and joined in with the "Blizzard Feast"

Ok, so we didn't spend the WHOLE day eating, we did meet up with a lot of folks, took pictures and spread the word about the wonderful work the Children's Miracle Network does.

In Hamden, My sister queen, Casey DelBasso who is North Haven's Outstanding Teen, joined me. We had to dodge a lot of Thunder, lighting and rain, but we stuck it out.
And before the day was over, we also visited the DQ Grille & Chill in North Haven as well. It was such a fun day, especially since we knew we were spreading the work about the Children"s Hospital. Several Months ago, I had a opportunity to actually tour the hospital in Hartford. It was such an amazing experience. My own nephew spent some time there last year, let me tell you, it is so comforting to know that a place like this exists. On Friday Sept. 3rd, I will be manning the phones for their annual fundraising radiothon and I am really looking forward to it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. July 29 2010

On Thursday July 29th, I was at the Square Foot Theater in Hamden for the opening of "Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr." The cast consisted of students from the Jared Andrew Studio for Performing Arts. What a talented and energenic group of kids. The show was amazing and I look forward to the next production; "Alice In Wonderland" coming up soon.

This was the little star herself. Monica Capriglione. She is only 12 years old, but a bundle of talent. Watch out everyone, she will be a top contender for our Teen Competition soon!

I was introduced prior to the show and I spoke briefly about my issue of concern; "Disability Awareness" I thanked everyone for coming and settled into my seat to watch the show.

My other Business Mgr., Patrick Laffin did all the costumes and scenery for the production and I've got to tell you, I was quite impressed. But he always finds time for a hug.

As I was passing out programs, I met this adorable little girl. I never was able to get her name, but she was my best friend all night!!

And of Course my Buddie Michael Maze from KC101 was there as well. It was a wonderfully successful night for all and I was so happy to be back at the "Square Foot Theater" once again. Thank you for inviting me.

Meet the Mayor July 8 2010

On Thursday July 8th I had an opportunity to meet the Mayor of Hamden, Scott Jackson.

He was so wonderful to me, and we spent the afternoon just getting to know each other.

He asked my about myself, my goal and my dreams. We talked about my Issue of Concern and how I could use it to help the city of Hamden. It was a wonderful afternoon and I truly look forward to upcoming events with him.

My Business Manager Jared Andrew accompanied me as well. We talked about the opening of his New Theater and the positive effects it will have on the community.

Miss Conn. O.T. Competiton June 24 - 26 2010

After 3 days of rehearsals, it was finally time to start the competition. Everyone was so excited. We had a great week being all together but now it was time to get down to business. The audience was beginning to arrive and the nerves were really starting to mount back stage!!

Dressed in our gorgeous Cherry Hill gowns, we performed a great dance number choreographed by Billy Griffin called "Fashionista" It was such a blast working with him and watching the whole thing come together.

For the Talent competition, I performed a tap dance to "The Sound of Silence," choreographed by Mary Marrone; my teacher, my sister and my friend. I felt super about my performance. All of my sounds, turns and arms were right on. I know my "Angel" was dancing with me.

Then is was on to the Evening Gown Competition. Yellow is my signature color and has always been lucky for me. The dress came from Ragtime in Watertown. Natalie spent so much time with me making sure that every detail was perfect. I felt wonderful as I stepped out onto the stage.

"On Stage Question" This is always tough. First I had to choose the name of a judge from the Gold Fish Bowl. That was the judge that would ask me my question. I answered to the best of my ability and without hesitation.

And finally the announcement of the Top Ten. I had made it!! Unfortunately this is where the journey ended for me. But I was so happy with myself. I had worked hard and being among the top ten was such an honor.

A special hug from Jared. This was his first year as the Executive Director of North Haven / Hamden pageant. He was so very proud that all 4 of his "Crowns" had done so well.

As the week came to an end, we were all so proud of our accomplishments. All 4 of us had made it into the top 10
There was a little sadness though. I have now aged out of the Teen Division and Amber has aged out of the Miss division. But we wish Gretchen and Casey lots of luck and love as they continue on. These 4 years of Teen Competition have help shaped me into the person I am. I have held 3 wonderful titles in these 4 years. That"s a lot of memories for me to carry in my heart. I am truly blessed and honored. I am on my way home now, and I will be the best "Greater Hamden's Outstanding Teen" that I can be for the remainder of my year.